Jonas Lang

News Research Publications Journals 2016-2020 Journals 2011-2015 Journals 2006-2010 Chapters 2007-2022 Contact / Impressum

Journals 2016-2020


Lang, J. W. B., & Kell, H. J. (2020). General mental ability and specific abilities: Their relative importance for extrinsic career success. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(9), 1047–1061. Preprint Character and Context Blog Post

Niessen, C., Göbel, K., Lang, J. W. B., & Schmid, U. (2020). Stop thinking: An experience sampling study on suppressing distractive thoughts at work. Frontiers in Psychology.

Lang, J. W. B. (2020). Timely and to the point: Expectations for articles and reviews at the Journal of Personnel Psychology. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 19(1), 1–3.

Eby, L. T., Shockley, K. M., Bauer, T. N., Edwards, B. D., Homan, A. C., Johnson, R. E., Lang, J. W. B., Morris, S. B., & Oswald, F. L. (2020). Methodological checklists for improving research quality and reporting consistency. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 13(1), 76-83.

Lang, J. W. B., & Goh, Z. (2020). Building an organizational science of behavioral consistency: Comment on Katz-Navon, Kark, and Delegach (2019). Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(1), 149-152.

den Hartog, S., Runge, J. M., Reindl, G., & Lang, J. W. B. (2020). Linking team personality variability and team innovation. Small Group Research, 52(2), 265-295.

Tiffin, P. A., Paton, L. W., O'Mara, D., MacCann, C., Lang, J. W. B., & Lievens, F. (2020). Situational judgement tests for selection: Traditional vs. construct‐driven approaches. Medical Education, 54(2), 105-115.


Lang, J. W. B., Bliese, P. D., & Adler, A. B. (2019). Opening the black box: A multilevel framework for studying group processes. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2(3), 271-287. Preprint Material

Sijbom, R. B. L., Lang, J. W. B., & Anseel, F. (2019). Leaders' achievement goals predict employee burnout above and beyond employees' own achievement goals. Journal of Personality, 87(3), 429-732. [2017 Impact factor: 3.483, category: PSYCHOLOGICAL, SOCIAL, rank: 7/64]

Runge, J. M., Lang, J. W. B., Chasiotis, A. & Hofer, J. (2019). Improving the assessment of implicit motives using IRT: Cultural differences and differential item functioning. Journal of Personality Assessment, 101, 414--424. [2018 Impact factor: 2.829, category: PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL, rank: 13/63]

Runge, J. M., & Lang, J. W. B. (2019). Can people recognize their implicit thoughts? The motive self-categorization test. Psychological Assessment, 31(7), 939-951. [2018 Impact factor: 3.469, category: PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL, rank: 19/129] Preprint Material

Tackett, J. L., Lang, J. W. B., Markon, K., & Herzhoff, K. (2019). A correlated trait correlated methods model for thin-slice child personality assessment. Psychological Assessment, 31, 545-556. [2018 Impact factor: 3.469, category: PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL, rank: 19/129] Preprint

Lang, J. W. B., Lievens, F., De Fruyt, F., Zettler, I., & Tackett, J. L. (2019). Assessing meaningful within-person variability in Likert-scale rated personality descriptions: An IRT tree approach. Psychological Assessment, 31, 474-487. [2018 Impact factor: 3.469, category: PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL, rank: 19/129]

Beier, M. E., Kell, H. J., & Lang, J. W. B. (2019). Commenting on the "Great Debate": General abilities, specific abilities, and the tools of the trade. Journal of Intelligence, 7(1), 5.

Apers, C., Lang, J. W. B., & Derous, E. (2019). Who earns more? Explicit traits, implicit motives, and income growth trajectories. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110, 214-228. [2018 Impact factor: 3.387, category: PSYCHOLOGY, APPLIED, rank: 14/82, ABS: 4] Preprint


Lang, J. W. B., Mussel, P., & Runge, J. M. (2018). TBS-TK Rezension:
Inventar zur Erfassung von Arbeitsmotiven (IEA). [TBS-TK Review: Inventory for the assessment of work motives].Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 62, 161-163.

Kell, H. J., & Lang, J. W. B. (2018). The great debate: General ability and specific abilities in the prediction of important outcomes. Journal of Intelligence, 6(3), 39.

Lang, J. W. B., Bliese, P. D., & de Voogt, A. (2018). Modeling consensus emergence using longitudinal multilevel models. Personnel Psychology, 71, 255-281. [2017 Impact factor: 4.362, category: PSYCHOLOGY, APPLIED, rank: 4/80; 2018 ABS: 4] Preprint Mplus code Mplus output 2019 Recipient of the SIOP Jeanneret Award for Excellence in the Study of Individual or Group Assessment Article/Interview in TIP

Lievens, F., Lang, J. W. B., De Fruyt, F., Corstjens, J., Van de Vijver, M., & Bledow, R. (2018). The predictive power of people's intraindividual variability across situations: Implementing whole trait theory in assessment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103, 753-771. [2017 Impact factor: 4.310, category: PSYCHOLOGY, APPLIED, rank: 5/80; 2018 ABS: 4*] 2020 Recipient of the SIOP Joyce and Robert Hogan Award


Paul, A., Lang, J. W. B., & Baumgartner, R. J. (2017). A multilevel approach for assessing business strategies on climate change. Journal of Cleaner Production, 160, 50-70. [2017 Impact factor: 5.651, category: ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL, rank: 7/50; 2018 ABS: 2]

de Voogt, A., & Lang, J. W. B. (2017). Employee work ethic in nine nonindustrialized contexts: Some surprising non-POSH findings. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10, 398-403. [2017 Impact factor: 16.375, category: PSYCHOLOGY, APPLIED, rank: 1/82; 2018 ABS: 1]

Lang, J. W. B., Tackett, J. L., & Zettler, I. (2017). Utilizing advanced psychometric methods in research on trait expression across situations. European Journal of Personality, 31, 464-465. [2017 Impact factor: 3.7, category: PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL, rank: 5/62]

Kell, H. J., & Lang, J. W. B. (2017). Specific abilities in the workplace: More important than g? Journal of Intelligence, 5, 13.


Bliese, P. D., & Lang, J. W. B. (2016). Understanding relative and absolute change in discontinuous growth models: Coding alternatives and implications for hypothesis testing. Organizational Research Methods, 19, 562-592. [2016 Impact factor: 4.783, category: PSYCHOLOGY, APPLIED, rank: 3/80; 2018 ABS: 4]

Runge, J. M., Lang, J. W. B., Engeser, S., Schüler, J., den Hartog, S. C., & Zettler, I. (2016). Modeling motive activation in the operant motive test: A psychometric analysis using dynamic Thurstonian item response theory. Motivation Science, 2, 268-286.

Zettler, I., Lang, J. W. B., Hülsheger, U. R., & Hilbig, B. E. (2016). Dissociating indifferent, directional, and extreme responding in personality data: Applying the threeprocess model to self- and observer reports. Journal of Personality, 84, 461-472. [2016 Impact factor: 3.598, category: PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL, rank: 6/62]

Schwager, I. T. L., Hülsheger, U. R., & Lang, J. W. B. (2016). Be aware to be on the square: Mindfulness and counterproductive academic behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 93, 74-79. [2016 Impact factor: 2.005, category: PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL, rank: 20/62; 2018 ABS: 3]

Lang, J. W. B., Kersting, M., & Beauducel, A. (2016). Hierarchies of factor solutions in the intelligence domain: Applying methodology from personality psychology to gain insights into the nature of intelligence. Learning and Individual Differences, 47, 37-50. [2016 Impact factor: 1.650, category: PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATIONAL, rank: 22/58]