Jonas Lang

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18.02.2019 New paper on the newly developed motive-self categorization test

Researchers have long been interested in studying implicit motives. However, an important barrier to studying and using implicit motives in psychological assessment has long been the fact that scoring implicit motive measures requires trained experts. Our newest work, the motive self-categorization test (Runge & Lang, in press) is a procedure that allows respondents to score their implicit motive measures themselves and thus avoids the need for experts. This paper is now in press at Psychological Assessment. The paper will include the entire measure so that researchers and practitioners can readily use this new measurement approach in their own research.

Runge, J. M., & Lang, J. W. B. (in press). Can people recognize their implicit thoughts? The motive self-categorization test. Psychological Assessment. [2017 Impact factor: 3.307, category: PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL, rank: 18/121] Preprint Material